Bottle-Feeding Care Package

What Support Looks Like

  • Sucking and Swallowing Skills

    Whether you're exclusively bottle-feeding or supplementing, we’ll make sure your baby is using the right bottle system and nipple flow to support enjoyable and efficient feeding. I'll help you feel confident that your feeding plan is working to support your baby's growth and is right for your family. We'll troubleshoot any feeding challenges together and you'll gain understanding of your baby's hunger and fullness cues along the way.

  • Navigating Digestive Issues

    Common challenges including reflux, milk protein intolerance, constipation, or suspected allergies can be extremely stressful and change the course of your feeding plan. From medication to eliminating allergens and transitioning to new formulas, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and question whether you’re doing what’s best for your baby. I’ll help you navigate all of this and advocate for what you and your baby need.

  • Feeding and Sleep Development

    Feeding and sleep are very much intertwined and are both developmental processes. Learn more about what is typical for young infants in both areas, how these areas develop and impact each other, and what to do to support your baby’s overall regulation and nurture their growing brains.

    To purchase your package, head to online booking using the link below and schedule your initial session. I’ll take care of the rest.

  • Package Details

    Each package includes:

    - An initial 1:1 in-office session (60 minutes)

    - An individualized family plan with recommendations and resources

    - One 45-minute follow up session (in-person or virtual)

    - Texts and email support for two months from the time of the initial session

    All of this for $199.