What is your Parent Feeding style?
Did you know that there are 4 different types of parent/caregiver feeding styles?
Did you know that each of those different styles has an affect on your child’s behavior at mealtime and even the variety of foods they eat?
If you’ve struggled at all with a picky eater, you know how frustrating mealtime can be. Toddlers are also in a category of their own when it comes to eating… so what are YOU supposed to do when faced with these challenges?
First, let’s figure out what type of feeding style(s) you typically default to. Jump right into this quick QUIZ to find out more about yourself and your style! Jot down your answers on scrap paper and see what you learn…
Question #1: When it comes to mealtime schedules and routines, are you:
A. SO structured... I run a tight ship!
B. ZERO structure in my house... my child rules the roost!
C. I’m not even sure what time it is half the day, so there’s not a lot of routine or expectations.
Question #2: What type of help do you provide your child during mealtimes?
A. I’ll help even if he doesn’t ask - we’ve got to get to the next thing!
B. I help her with anything and everything she needs - I don’t ever want her to be upset or struggle!
C. With everything going on, it’s impossible for me to help at all!
Question #3: How do you get your child to try a new food?
A. I make him take a “no thank you bite” even if it makes him gag sometimes.
B. I never ask him to try anything new - he’s so picky I know he’ll refuse it.
C. I’m not even sure I can remember when I offered him something new.
Question #4: What is your biggest struggle at mealtimes?
A. My child is a picky eater and I’m stressed.
B. My child is a picky eater and I’m stressed.
C. My child is a picky eater and I’m stressed.
RESULTS: If you answered mostly…
A - Your style is more controlling or restrictive
B - Your default is an indulgent/permissive feeder
C - Your style is typically uninvolved
If you’d like to know more about how your feeding style is affecting your child AND how to get from where you are now to enjoyable mealtimes with your child, let me help! Get your FREE parent feeding styles guide below and start making changes today!